
International judges for hunting trials

Invitation to judge / confirmation / agreement - send to show organizer (.pdf)

Invitation to judge / confirmation / agreement - judge’s copy ( .pdf)


Str. Dacia Bl5A
Sc 2 Ap 35
Petrosani, 332036, HD
Mob: +40733812750; +393393785293
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Speaks: Italian

- field trials for pointers;
- complete trials for pointers;
- flushing dogs;
- retrievers;
- earth dogs
- scenthounds
- leash hounds.;

 baican r

BAICAN Remus Sebastian
Com. Salard nr 815, 417450, BH 
Mob: +40744471004
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- complete trials for pointers;
- field trials for pointers;
- flushing dogs;
- retrievers;
- earth dogs ; 
- scenthounds;
- leash hounds.
 balint a BALINT Anton, Dr.
Com.Joiţa 087150 GR 
Mob: +40722697634
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- complete trials for pointers;
- flushing dogs;
- retrievers;
- earth dogs;
- scenthounds.

BOCĂNESCU Mihail Emil, Col.(R)
Com. Alunis, Sat Ostrovu nr. 295, 107016 PH
Mob: +40742100378
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Speaks: Italian

- field trials for pointers;
- complete trials for pointers ;
- flushing dogs;
- retrievers;
- earth dogs ;
- scenthounds.

MARIŞ Cosmin Horaţiu
Str. Pictor Ion Negulici, nr.11, Timisoara, 300400, TM 
Mob: +40744780844
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- complete trials for pointers;
- flushing dogs;
- retrievers;
- leash hounds.


MERGEL Iosif Evald
Lipova, 315400, AR 
Mob: +40744517718, +40755075782,
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Speaks: German

- complete trials for pointers;
- field trials for pointers;
- flushing dogs;
- retrievers;
- earth dogs ; 
- scenthounds;
- leash hounds.

MOŞOIU Dumitru
Str. II nr. 29, Com. Șag, 307395, TM
Mob: +40744675625
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- complete trials for pointers;
- field trials for pointers;
- flushing dogs;
- retrievers;
- earth dogs ;
- scenthounds;
- leash hounds


Str.Nicolae Iorga, Nr.19, Ploiesti, 100537, PH
Mob: +40740054055
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- field trials for pointers;
- complete trials for pointers;
- earth dogs
- flushing dogs;
- retrievers;
- scenthounds
- leash hounds.

Str.Nicolae Iorga, Nr.19, Ploiesti, 100537, PH
Mob: +40744537477
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Speaks: English, Italian

- field trials for pointers;
- complete trials for pointers;
- flushing dogs;
- retrievers;
- earth dogs ;
- scenthounds
- leash hounds.

PALII Cezar, Dr.
Cal.Şerban Vodă 139,
Sector 4, 040205, Bucureşti
Mob: +40744502302
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- field trials for pointers;
- complete trials for pointers;
- flushing dogs;
- retrievers;
- earth dogs ;
- scenthounds

 pante s

PANTEA Stelian Dorian 
Str.Doina, Nr.16, bl. PB94, ap 10, Oradea, 410318, BH 
Mob: +40745770386 
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Speaks: English, Hungarian

- complete trials for pointers;
- field trials for pointers

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