
FCI breed and group judges

Invitation to judge / confirmation / agreement - send to show organizer (.pdf)

Invitation to judge / confirmation / agreement - judge’s copy ( .pdf)

CENADAN Gavril, Prof.
Str. Andrei Saguna 200, Arad 310064 AR 
Mob: +40722260891
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Speaks: German & Hungarian
Gr.I: Deutsche Schaeferhunde
Gr.II: Deutsche Dogge, Dobermann, Kavkazkaya Ovtcharka, Rottweiler, Riesenschnauzer, Schnauzer, Zwergschnauzer
Gr.IV: all breeds & BOG
Gr.VII: all breeds & BOG
Gr.X: all breeds & BOG
Gr.IV: all breeds & BOG

COLARESCU Ovidiu Bogdan
Str.M.Kogălniceanu 50, Arad 310092 AR 
Mob. +40727801370 
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Speaks: English & Hungarian



Gr.IV: all breeds & BOG

nicoleta crisan
Str. Zurich nr. 61, Timisoara, 300129, TM
Mob: +40723491333
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Speaks: English
Gr.II: all breeds & BOG
Gr.III: Bull-Type Terriers
Romanian Shepherd CORB

Str.Th.Speranţa nr.28, Satu Mare 440101 SM 
Mob: +40740586649 +40720470044
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Speaks: Hungarian
Gr.I: all breeds & BOG
Gr.II: all breeds & BOG
Gr.V: all breeds & BOG
Gr.IX: all breeds & BOG
Romanian Shepherd CORB
DRAGOMIR Sorin, Ing.
Str.Grigore Alexandrescu Nr.108, Ap.2, Sector 1, Bucureşti 010627 
Mob: +40740075074
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Speaks: English, German, French, Italian


Deutsche Schaefferhunde, Ciobănesc Românesc Carpatin, Ciobănesc Românesc Mioritic
Gr. II : Romanian Shepherd Bucovina
Romanian Shepherd CORB

FURO Csaba Levente
Str. Ierului nr. 12, Marghita, Jud. BH
Mob: +40740144514
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Speaks: English, Hungarian
Gr.I: all breeds & BOG
Gr.II: all breeds & BOG
Gr.IV: all breeds & BOG 


GALIS Johanna
Str. Soporului, nr 11 , Ap 15, Cluj-Napoca, Jud. CJ
Mob: +40723290143
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Speaks: English, French

Gr.III: all breeds & BOG
Gr.IX: all breeds & BOG


GHEORGHIU Brînduşa, Dr.
Bd.Ghencea 42, bl.C25, et.5, ap.18, Sector 6, 061696, Bucureşti 
Mob: +40722409361
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Speaks: English

Gr.I: all breeds
Gr.II: Bullmastiff, Newfoundland, St.Bernardshund, Deutsche Dogge, Mastino Napoletano, Kavkazkaya Ovtcharka, Sredneasiatskaia Ovtcharka, Berner Sennenhund, Ciobănesc Românesc de Bucovina
Gr.VIII: Golden Retriever, Labrador Retriever
Ciobănesc Românesc Corb


IONETE Catalin
Str. Voronet nr. 14, Sector 3, 031554, Bucuresti
Mob: +40722413991
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Speaks: English

Gr.I: all breeds & BOG
Gr.II: Ciobănesc Românesc de Bucovina
Gr.VIII: all breeds & BOG
Ciobănesc Românesc Corb


Dr. KOZMA Borbe Andrei Tiberiu
Strada Bicălatu nr 198, Oraș Huedin, Jud Cluj
Tel 0033673823466
E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Speaks: English, Hungarian, Italian, Spanish, French


Affenpicher, Doberman, Deutscher pinscher, Austrian Pinscher, Zwergpinscher,
Zwergschnauzer, Schnauzer, Russkiy Tchiorny Terrier, Boxer, Rottwailer, Cane Corso Italiano, Bullmastiff , Dogo Argentino, Dog German, Bulldog englez, Shar Pei, Mastino Napoletano

Gr.VIII: all breeds & BOG

MAGDAS Julia, Dr.
Str.Spitalului, Nr.14, Reghin, 545300, MS
Mob: +40744291915
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Speaks: English, German, Hungarian

Gr. I:



all breeds & BOG

all breeds & BOG

all breeds & BOG

Str.Seleuşului 76, Oradea 410508 BH 
Mob: +40740211212 
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Speaks: English, French, Hungarian

Gr.I: all breeds & BOG
Gr.II: all breeds & BOG
Gr.III : all breeds & BOG
Gr.IV : all breeds & BOG
Gr.VI : all breeds & BOG
Gr.VII : all breeds & BOG


all breeds & BOG

Ciobanesc Romanesc Corb


MOLNAR Zsolt, Dr.
Str.Gavril Lazar de Purcăreţ 5, Satu Mare 440019 SM
Mob: +40745317281
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Speaks: French & Hungarian
Gr.I: all breeds & BOG
Gr.II: all breeds & BOG
Gr.V: all breeds & BOG
Gr.X: all breeds & BOG
Romanian Shepherd CORB


MOROSANU Cristian Domitian 
Str. Armenească, nr. 39, Suceava, 720009, SV
Mob: +40729414424
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Speaks: English


all breeds & BOG

Gr.II: all breeds & BOG
Gr.VIII: all breeds & BOG
Ciobănesc Românesc Corb

Str.Nicolae Iorga, Nr.19, Ploiesti, 100537, PH
Mob: +40740054055
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Gr. IV:


Gr. VIII: 

all breeds & BOG

all breeds & BOG

all breeds & BOG

Str.Nicolae Iorga, Nr.19, Ploiesti, 100537, PH
Mob: +40744537477
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Speaks: English, Italian

Gr.IV: all breeds & BOG
Gr.VI: all breeds & BOG

Gr.VII :

all breeds & BOG

Gr.VIII: all breeds & BOG

NEDELCU Marius, Dr.
Bd. Decebal nr. 8A
Deva, 330011, HD
Mob: +40722530881
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Speaks: English


Bull-type Terriers


Mob: +40723219827
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Speaks: English, French



all breeds & BOG

Retrievers, English Cocker Spaniel, American Cocker Spaniel, Lagotto Romagnolo

Str. Jilavei nr 15, ap. 1
Targu Mures, 540253, MS
Mob: +40756310439
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Speaks: English, German, Hungarian




all breeds & BOG

all breeds & BOG

all breeds & BOG

PAPP Vasile-Carol, Ing.
Str.Maraşeşti 9, Satu Mare 440057 SM 
Mob: +40728138890
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Speaks: German, Hungarian


all breeds & BOG


all breeds & BOG
Romanian Shepherd CORB


PĂUNA Catrinel, Ec. 
Mob: +40722340981
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Speaks: English, French

Gr.III: all breeds & BOG
Gr.IV: all breeds & BOG
Gr.VI : all breeds & BOG
Gr.VII: all breeds & BOG
Gr.VIII : all breeds & BOG
Gr.X : all breeds & BOG
POP Raul, Dr. 
Nr. 279 Baciu, 407055, CJ
Mob: +40744695630
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Speaks: English, French
Gr.IV: all breeds & BOG
Gr.V: all breeds & BOG
Gr.VI: all breeds & BOG
Gr.VII: all breeds & BOG

RADU Daniela
Bd.M.Eminescu 18, Timişoara 300028 TM 
Mob: +40723473828 
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Speaks: German, English
Gr.I: Ciobanesc Romanesc Carpatin, Ciobanesc Romanesc Mioritic
Gr.II: Ciobanesc Romanesc de Bucovina
Gr.IV: all breeds & BOG
Gr.VI: all breeds & BOG
Gr.VII: all breeds & BOG
Gr.VIII: all breeds & BOG
Gr.IX: all breeds & BOG

Romanian Shepherd CORB


Corbeanca, Str. Cantonului nr. 42 A, Ilfov
Mob: +40744479919
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Speaks: English
Gr.I: Ciobanesc Romanesc Carpatin, Ciobanesc Romanesc Mioritic
Gr.II: Dobermann, Deutscher Pinscher, Riesenschnauzer, Zwergschnauzer, Schnauzer,
Deutscher Boxer, Deutsche Dogge, Rottweiler, Bullmastiff, Mastiff, Cane Corso Italiano,
Newfoundland, Landseer, Berner Sennenhund, Leonberger, Ciobanesc Romanesc de Bucovina
Gr.V: all breeds & BOG
Gr.VIII: Retrieveri, Cocker American, Cocker Englez, English Springer, Lagotto Romagnolo, Cao De Agua Portugues
Romanian Shepherd CORB

RECKERTH Roland, Ing.
Str.Posada 64
Arad 310245 AR
Mob: +40754034103
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Speaks: English, German, Hungarian



Deutsche Schaefferhunde

all breeds & BOG

Str Piata Mica nr 12, Bistrita, BN
Mob: +40742069356
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Speaks: English
Gr.V: all breeds

Str. Muncitorilor, nr.5, Comuna Giroc, TM, cod 307220
Mob: +40741509620
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Speaks: English


Ciobănesc Românesc Mioritic, Ciobănesc Românesc Carpatin

Gr.II: all breeds & BOG

Str.Buhui, nr 15, Mosnita Noua,
307285 TM 
Mob: +40770474455 
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Speaks: Hungarian


all breeds & BOG

Gr.II: all breeds & BOG
Romanian Shepherd CORB

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